Understand how to support your body before your training sessions so that you can go into your session energized and focused.

Have a plan for your intra-training nutrition and hydration so you can finish your session just as strong as you started!

Know what it takes to recover from training and between training sessions so you can do it all over again tomorrow.

Fuel Fiercely

This guide is all about knowing what you can do as an athlete to BEST support your body during training and outside of training so that you can feel your best in sport and life.

A Dash of Dana

Dana Sowards

I started A Dash of Dana in an effort to change the messaging around fueling as an endurance athlete.  As a young, impressionable athlete, I received poor messaging from coaches/ trainers & got caught up in “looking” like an athlete and some. After a decade of eating disorder followed by persistent habits of disordered eating, I became curious about what it would look like to live a life without food "rules". What it would mean to FIERCELY support my body. I knew deep down the rhetoric around “thin is fast” and trying to do high volume + intensity with minimal resources was not the answer. After 13 years of school, internship, and practice I am here to guide athletes in improving their relationship with food and body so they can show up as the best version of themselves.  Most of us here are more than just athletes. You are parents (which means you wear many hats); wives, husbands; you work FT. All of this requires energy. Fuel fiercely comes from the goal of fully supporting your body in all that you do in life and sport. 

Stop trying to do more with less. Fiercely support your body, so you can continue to do all that you love to do!

Download this guide to get you started in understanding your nutrition needs!
